musings of a hopefilled soul

Archive for February, 2012

In this post I want to review the  process of my decision to resign a current job based on a feeling or impression from God that he wanted to take me another direction.   As I mentioned in my first post this decision took a lot of courage.  Others may say”Are you crazy resigning a good job and now having nothing on the horizon?”  I understand that thought.  I assure you the  resigning decision took years to develop.  God blessed us with being in a better financial position so I could resign.  Over the years I wanted to make sure I was not wanting to leave my  profession based on a bad day.  I spent a lot of time in prayer knowing that God often uses difficult situations to develop character and strengthen us.  I didn’t want to leave because it was tough and I did not want to leave on a low note.  I told God if this was where I should be, even though it was difficult I would be willing to stay where I was. Eventually I set  up a timeline to resign if I was still feeling the urge to change careers.  Having explored all of these possibilities, I then decided it was time.  I had reached the end of my timeline and it was time to put up or shut up.  Joyce Meyer has said that often you have to step out  to find out.  I have also heard it said that God often does not reveal what he has for you until you are willing to let go of what you are holding on to. Until your total dependence is on him.  So here I am, letting go and trusting God and trying to allow him to work with and through me.

Some background

I am a middle-aged female whose occupation for over 30 years has been nursing.  I was a Hospice nurse for the last 12 years of my nursing career.  A number of people have asked me,”Isn’t Hospice nursing depressing?”  I have consistently answered that question with a resounding “No.”  The care of the patients was often intense but never depressing.  Dying is a very intimate journey and when families and patients allowed me to join them on that journey it was indeed my privilege.  Hospice work is so important!  As a Hospice nurse I was able to impact a number of lives with comfort and support through a very difficult time.  Yet, as wonderful and necessary as Hospice nursing is, I have felt over the last 5 years the urge to explore other directions.  I admit I was scared to try other things.  After all nursing was literally who I was as a person and what I knew the most about.  As a person of faith, I did a lot of soul-searching and prayer yet felt God was not giving me any clear picture of what he had in store.  Anyone who knows me knows I want some assurance in changing directions before I do so.  God had blessed us in some areas financially so leaving a job with a certain paycheck was not as frightening as it could have been.  Yet not being independently wealthy meant either I needed to find God’s direction and a new career quickly or rely on him.   I must admit either one is hard.  I resigned my position and have been off work for 2 weeks now.  I am looking for God to grant me patience as I wait on his direction.  I am trying to do what I see in front of me to do.  The idea of a blog was brought to my attention so here we go.  I will see where this leads.  If nothing else it will help to  perfect my writing skills and give an avenue to share my feelings and opinions.